Lab 3-A

scientists in clean suits, inspecting telescope apparatus
Click the image to see a before and after.

NASA Engineers

Brightness and Contrast Correcting

The assignment for this lab was to adjust the brightness and contrast of an image.

I chose this image of scientists because I was searching for pictures with the search term "low light", and a NASA low light test came up and I went with it.

Detailed Steps
  1. Open the original image file.
  2. In the top bar: Image > Image Size
  3. Keep Width/Height locked. Change units to pixels. Change Width to 800 px.
  4. Click the adjustment layer icon on the bottom right.
  5. Click Brightness/Contrast.
  6. Click Auto from the Properties tab on the right bar (Brightness: 45, Contrast: -23).
  7. Type 55 into the Brightness box to boost up the brightness.
  8. Click the adjustment layer icon on the bottom right.
  9. Click Levels.
  10. Hold Alt, click and drag the white (right) slider to the left, past the high peak on the graph, before the scientist is visible (230).
  11. Click and drag the gray (middle) slider to the left, to boost the brightness up a bit (1.10).
  12. Click the "Background" scientists thumbnail in the Layers tab on the right bar.
  13. In the top bar: Image > Adjustments > Shadows/Highlights
  14. Shadows: 8%, Highlights: 40%
  15. Shift+Ctrl+S to Save As a Photoshop file (.psd).
  16. In the top bar: File > Export > Export As
  17. Change the format to JPG. Click Export.

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