Beginning Web Programming


This course primarily focused on creating websites using HTML and CSS, as well as some JavaScript. Along with the lessons provided by the instructor, I also read through the W3Schools website and did lessons through the Enki app, and I experimented with a lot of different things in Visual Studio Code.

Prior to taking this class I was completely new to programming and web design. I had made attemps in the past to read some programming books and figure out programming, but nearly all resources out there make the assumption that you already know something and not that you're starting from zero, so I could never really understand it and get anywhere with it.

This class gave me somewhere to start with programming, showing me that programming isn't as daunting or as difficult as I initially thought, and motivated me to continue learning.

I have downloads of the HTML files for all the pages on this site on the File Downloads page, for those who want to see all what I've done behind the scenes and play around with it.

Below is the link to the course website with a directory to other students' websites:

Course Website

These are the pages we worked on in class:

Daily Files
Part_1 Assignments