Jake's Website

Jake's Family


Our family adopted a dog (a Chihuahua) and his name is Peanut II and he seems to like Mom. He licks her face, and likes to be held by her as if he is being swaddled like a baby. He even has his own pet carrier that looks similar to a baby stroller. My mom once used to have a Chihuahua when she was growing up in her side of the family and they had a Chihuahua named "Bear." I do not know why he was named that but when I think back to the photo I once saw of what he looked like, he now kind of reminds me of our current dog, Peanut II.

In 2010, we had adopted our family's 1st dog, Peanut. He Unfortunately passed away in 2018 due to cancer but he was a brave little dog, considering that the vets had told us that Peanut would live for maybe 2 or 3 years and Peanut made it to 5 years since his diagnosis. The new dog we currently have right now is named after him.


My Dad has told me a few times that he and his family members on his side of the family used to have 2 dogs: A Rottwieler and a German Sheperd. I do not know what either of their names were but I found it interesting that his family used to have pets since he does not talk about them as often which is why it is surprising to me as my sister and I learn more more about his family's history. One of his Nephews (who is Megan and I's cousin) has 2 dogs as well. I do not know the medium-sized dog's name with long fur but I do know their other dog's name is "Cassie" and she is a Dachshund. Oftentimes, my dad will spend some times with Jake II and Michael if they happen to meowing more frequently than usual.


Megan is my younger sibling and sister. Megan used to have some pets of her own as well. Every single one of them were fish (Check out paragraph, Other Pets and 2nd chart) and one cat, Michael. Like Peanut II and Jake II, Megan used to have a fish named "Rainbow II" named after her 1st fish, "Rainbow." I used to often times in the past think that when she used to have fish in our family, I thought of how difficult it looked to constantly be cleaning out their fish tanks very often.

All of the fish Megan has had include:

  1. Rainbow
    Megan's 1st fish
  2. Rainbow II
    Named after her 1st fish, Rainbow
  3. Raindrop
    Our family's 1st female pet since we always adopt pets that happen to be boys for some reason
  4. Rafael, Michangelo, and Leonardo
    Named after the 3 out of the 4 ninja Turtles in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles


Morgan is Jake II's Fur Mommy (that would be me). She is the editor who has created this entire Website for a cat name Jake II and she has Good News to share to you and for you to read also. Michael is supposed to be Megan's pet but over the years, he has grown to spending time with Jake II and I, so I am not sure if I should also consider him to be another "fur baby" of mine but I like to allow him to be in my room, even when he is experiencing what I think is called in Pets, the "zoomies."