Jake's Website

Jake's Fur buddies

Jake is not the only pet we have. As a few years passed by, we eventually adopted another cat named Michael in 2018 and as recent as of August 2023, our family has also adopted a dog name Peanut back in May of 2023.


Michael is one of our other cats that is a part of our family as well. Michael is a cat and his cat breed is a Mainecoon. He is the more vocal one out of all 3 pets. He is the complete opposite to Jake when it comes to their personalities.(side note: when my family adopted Michael, I never knew that cats in general would have such different personalities)


Below here, is Michael sleeping next to Jake on my bed. This picture was taken during the winter snowstorm back in 2021 which is why they were covered with one of my blankets in order to stay warm. The weather at this time was around -2 o. It was extremly Freezing! 🧤🧣🧥


Adoption Story

Our cat Michael was adopted in 2018 from a local animal shelter in Plano, Texas, the same animal shelter where Jake II was adopted.. I remember being there with my Dad and my sister Megan and all 3 of us were looking to get a female cat for her since she said she felt a bit lonely and she seemed to have liked the animal bond between Jake II and me, making her wanting to adopt a cat as well. Michael's name was originally named Max. Michael happens to be the more social cat that he is with his personality and although he is the more vocal cat than Jake is, we still love him as a member of our family.

Below here, is an audio of what Michael and Jake sound like whenever I am feeding them.
Jake and Michael

Peanut II

Peanut is our newest pet our family has adopted in early May of 2023. He is a dog and his dog breed is a Chihuahua. Though he seems to react ok around our cats, he seems to like the rest of our family members. He espeically likes to be around my Mom a lot.


Adoption Story

Peanut II's Adoption story goes here. I cannot tell you what happened at the Animal Shelter because once again, I wasn't there because I was asleep, so this story would come from my perspective. My Mom comes home and I am still in bed, I wake up and I see my mom come into my room, holding what seemed to me a dog beside her. At first glance, I thought she was holding a stuffed toy, remember I was feeling sleepy and at this moment I had just woken up, so looking back it's pretty funny how I had mistaken a dog as a stuffed animal version of one. It was not until a few minutes later I had realized that Peanut II is dog and not a stuffed animal. Silly me.

My Dad and my sister Megan come home and meet the new dog. Like Jake II, Peanut II's name was originally "Chico." I actually did not mind his name being Chico but my mom wanted to change his name to be Peanut, named after our family's 1st dog, Peanut.

Below here, shows a summary chart for All 3 pets.

Jake II CAT 2016
Michael CAT 2018
Peanut II DOG 2023

Other Pets

Other pets we have had in our family over the years were quite interesting. Unlike a lot of people, we tend to not adopt certain animals due to the extra care that goes into taking care of a pet. Our family cannot adopt Hamsters or Guinea Pigs because my Mom is allergic to them. We usually don't adopt large dogs although I do really love large dogs like German Shepards, Labradors, Great Danes, Dobermans, Aussies, Shelties, and more, we usually don't adopt large dogs because they are hard for us to take care of. Years before we had adopted Jake II, Michael, and Peanut, there were other pets I had interest in having when I was a kid such as:

  1. A large dog. Particularly a Sheltie because I was inspired by the movie "Lassie" although I just now realized that the dog in the movie is actually a Collie, not a Sheltie based upon my research on this movie.
  2. A pet Tarantula. I thought they were pretty interesting at the time.
  3. A pet Guinea Pig because I think they are cute
  4. A pet Ferret because I think they are cute.
  5. A pet FISH because seeing my sister have fish made me want to have a pet fish as well however I ended up not moving forward with the plan of getting a pet fish because I thought they were pretty hard to take care of with having to clean out their fish tank often.

This is the order here in which our family had adopted pets that have become a part of our family through out the years:

  1. Bentley
  2. Jake
    We used to have a cat named Jake before we adopted Jake II. Jake II is named after him.
  3. Peanut
    We also used to have a dog whose name was Peanut. The dog we currently have now, Peanut II is named after him.
  4. Rainbow
  5. Rainbow II
    Named after Megan's first fish, Rainbow.
  6. Raindrop
  7. Rafael, Michangelo, and Leonardo
    Named after the 3 out of the 4 ninja Turtles in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Here is the chart for each of them listed here below.

Bentley CAT 2006
Jake CAT 2007
Peanut DOG 2010
Rainbow FISH Between 2012-2013
Rainbow II FISH Somewhere in 2013
Raindrop FISH Don't know
Rafael CATFISH Don't know
Michangelo CATFISH Don't know
Leonardo CATFISH Don't know