Jake's Website

About Jake


Jake is one of our total of 3 pets in our family as of 2023. He is by far our oldest cat (see Chart for all 3 pets). Jake is an American short hair cat breed. It is unclear how much he weighs but his tummy is soft to touch.

Jake's Adoption Story

Our family adopted Jake in the Autumn season of 2016. I can not actually tell you my experience at the Animal Shelter because I was not there the morning he was adopted. I was asleep actually.My Dad and my Sister Megan were the 1st 2 of our family members to meet Jake at the shelter. I am not sure if they have found him on an pet adoption website or found him right at the animal shelter. I did not get meet Jake yet until Dad and Megan both brought him home. It took me a little while for me to find him as Megan was trying to show me where he is as he was hiding in our family's garage. Like some animals, Jake was hiding in our family's garage because our house at the time was new to him. I am in no way an animal expert but based from my assumption, animals like him tend to try and quickly find a hiding spot whenever they are in a new house full of new people, in an enviroment they are not familiar with.

Eventually, minutes or maybe an hour passed by and he eventually came out of his hiding spot and came to greet us with a purr. Megan and I remained in the garage during the time we chatted a bit while we were waiting for him to come out of his hiding spot. I do not know exactly how long we waited until Jake came out but, Jake eventually opened himself up to us and let his guard down, giving Megan and I time to bond with him and spend some time with him for the first time.

I heard that when my Dad and my Sister Megan brought Jake home, his name was not originally Jake when we adopted him that day. His name was originally Thomas and both Megan and I seemed okay sticking to that name. My parents however, wanted to name him Jake after our second cat we use to have in our family whose name was originally Jake. Unfortunately, he was put to sleep in 2015. Our family went back and forth between the two names and eventually we came to a decision. The cat's name then went from Thomas to Jake and the rest is history.

Below here are some things that Jake likes:

  1. His favorite food
  2. His favorite spots to sleep
  3. His favorite toys

Jake's favorite food

Jake's favorite food is any chicken or salmon flavors from the brand, Friskies. He and Michael tend to like and dislike the same flavors when it comes to different flavors of cat food.

His favorite spots to sleep

Jake has certain spots in our home where he prefers to sleep. Several of those areas where he most commonly likes to sleep are:

  • My Bed
  • Anywhere in my room
  • Beneath our dining table
  • Any one of our kitchen chairs.
  • the living room
  • Anywhere in Megan's Room
  • Any other rooms in the house that are not blocked off

Below, is an audio of how Jake sounds whenever he has jumped on to my bed and is kneading on my blanket.

Unlike our other 2 pets, he is not as vocal as Michael and Peanut are. Only time he is vocal a lot is whenever I am getting ready to sleep in my bed.

He has never done this in his first few years living with us and I don't see him ever doing this to any of my family members besides me. He likes to do this whenever I am in my bed trying to sleep.

This is what Jake sounds like when he is kneading on my bed . My Sister Megan likes to joke about him by saying that it is like he is kneading dough bread.🍞 😹

Cat Kneading:
When a cat uses their front teeth and their front 2 paws and moves the blanket that they have occupied in a back and forth motion while purring. This is a sign that cat is really comfortable and happy and is happy and comfortable when they are with whoever they consider their favorite person.

Jake II's Favorite toys

His favorite toys are anything that look like a string to him.(Not the 'string' that is in the Python Programming Language, I mean an actual string like shoe laces for example) His fur buddy, Michael, likes anything that looks like a string.