Results from a student Survey

Skills development in web programming, including mark-up and scripting languages. Additionally, the course focuses on the use of HTML and CSS to create websites and includes an introduction to JavaScript. Lab required. 3 credit hours. (M)


Question: "What are your expectations for this course?""

🖉 I hope for this course to help me review what I already know and learn new things/concepts that other learning establishments may not have taught me.
🖉 I am expecting to learn the basics or web programming
🖉 Learn web programming probably html and css
🖉 To learn coding
🖉 To develop foundational knowledge of HTML, CSS, JS
🖉 to be able to learn another programming language (I know a couple of packages in Python and some SQL)
🖉 Learn Programming
🖉 I would like to navigate through front and back end of Word Press or the like. I don't have to be a specialist in web dev... I just need to generally know how things work in relation to network and database.
🖉 Learning the fundamentals of web programming
🖉 To learn web programming
🖉 Anything I learn is something I didn't know before
🖉 To learn UI UX for my esports startup, along with as much web development knowledge as possible.
🖉 My expectations are to learn the fundamentals of web programming.
🖉 To learn more about Java and CSS
🖉 Just to learn as much as I can about HTML
🖉 I expect to learn HTML, CSS and JAVA more in depth than what is presented in online resources.
🖉 learn more about html, css and web design in general
🖉 To have the fundamentals of design down pat and to focus on making pages the right way with a focus on elegance and best practices.
🖉 Further learn about html, css, java and theory behind all
🖉 Learn more about HTML and CSS



Question: "Are there any particular topics you would like to cover in this Web Programming course?"

🖌 I'd say I'm well versed in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript with CSS being my weakest out of the three, so I'm looking forward to the topics on CSS--but I don't have anything particular in mind.
🖌 I can not think of any at the moment
🖌 Would like to learn as much as possible
🖌 Basic html elements styling in css maybe some js
🖌 coding in general
🖌 Anything besides basic web programming
🖌 I am not really sure what to expect butI want to be able to create a simple website.
🖌 no
🖌 At this point, I don't know much that I can't come up with any topics or questions. As the days go by, I will have list of things that can be considered for this semester.
🖌 how to program
🖌 whatever helps get a job
🖌 I wouldn't even know know what to ask for because I'm a complete beginner
🖌 UI and UX, along with how financial accounting ties into coding.
🖌 how to program, most commonly used shortcuts for programming
🖌 understanding CSS
🖌 Just learning the basics.
🖌 Nothing specific, just become more fluent in the languages.
🖌 design, user experience, color theory
🖌 Javascript and relational databases, it's okay if we don't cover these extensively but they are interests of mine and I know little to nothing about them.
🖌 Mainly Java and intermediate level html and css.


Question: "Are there any special concerns you have? Questions? Comments? Concerns?""

🖋 no
🖋 Nope!
🖋 Not at the moment
🖋 I like the monitor question
🖋 None at this time.
🖋 No
🖋 Nothing specific to the course. Just a general malaise of keeping ahead as a full time student and a full time employee. Such is life
🖋 I would like to have some fun with the class when it comes to my esports startup, and maybe we could have some video game tournaments for extra credit at some point!
🖋 No comments or concerns
🖋 Nope
🖋 My only comment is to maybe say the html tag you are using out loud as you go so I know what the tags function is. Example "Here type the p tag aka the paragraph tag." Otherwise, keep it up!
🖋 None.
🖋 not at this time
🖋 So far so good!
🖋 No concerns.