Results Google: Attribution

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at·tri·bu·tion /ˌatrə'byo͞oSHən/

The action of regarding something as being caused by a person or thing.

"The electorate was disillusioned with his immediate attribution of the bombings to a separatist group."


🖌 A wide range of books available through the Collin College online Library System. Particularly O'Reilly Online Learning available through the Library.

🖌 A very detailed program that demonstrates AJAX and API connections for weather data provided by zyBooks Publisher Company. This resource was provided by Justin Lewis.

🖌 In class (and in a few assignments) we covered all the links (both websites and youTube videos) listed here on this website under Links.

🖌 I created sixty-four lesson videos that are posted on youTube. These are part of the curriculum of the course. These videos introduce beginning HTML and CSS concepts. Plus some JavaScript training as well.

Three Textbooks we used

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Boehm, Anne, and Zak Ruvalcaba. Murach’s HTML5 and CSS3, 3rd Edition. 3rd ed., Mike Murach & Associates. Excellent Antiquated Textbook

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McFarland, David Sawyer. CSS: The Missing Manual. 4th ed., “O'Reilly Media, Inc.,” 2015. Antiquated Textbook

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Delamater, Mary, and Ray Harris. Murach's JavaScript, 2nd Edition. 2nd ed., Mike Murach & Associates. Does not use the MVC (the MTC) method to introduce programming; yet, still very good antiquated textbook.

Students with pictures

Persons Responsible

James Canavan -- Course Professor and site designer:

David Lipe -- Associate Dean of Academic Affairs/Workforce Programs:

John L. Byers, Jr. -- Director of Continuing Education Programming:

Justin Lewis -- Professor -- Justin mentored me on course content, so it prepares the students for future courses.

About This Site

Although I am a pretty good programmer when it comes to JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Python, and a half-dozen other Languages, I never built a fully working site with Bootstrap 5.something. I tasked myself this semester with learning Bootstrap. It's totally awesome. Very powerful and very extensive. I did my best to make this site as responsive as I could -- I'm sure I messed up in places. Oh well... (wave of hand). Over the Summer I intend to get better with Bootstrap. Also, I hope to study GIT and GIT HUB as employers want this skill for new-hires.

Lastly, I want to thank everyone who supported my learning and teaching efforts. Especially, my students who passed this course. I got to know them, watched them grow in the field, and some of them will be lifelong friends. I'll miss their vapid expressions and sometimes light-bulb moments. We had fun, we got to know each other, and all of us learned a great deal about Web Programming. Such a cool experience. Thank you all!