Student Contributed Pictures -- Page 1, Page 2

This is an important assignment.  Being able to take pictures and get them ready for publishing them on the Web is a big deal.  You will also do this on your own website (Final Project).

1)  I need pictures for our course website:

2)  Rather than taking the pictures myself I am assigning my students to take pictures, size them under 100K, and submit them in this assignment.  They should be at 72 dpi resolution. (Dots Per Inch).

3)  Here is the assignment: 

(a)  Take at least 5 pictures with your phone during today's class.

(b)  Somehow get those pictures to your computer.

(c)  Somehow reduce the file size of your 5 pictures below 100K.

(d)  Submit those 5 pictures before next class (here) <-- which is two weeks from now (March 19th).

Note 1:  Taking pictures of PEOPLE can be a tricky process, especially if you don't have written permission. This is a public class assignment so we have some levity.  But, after being published to the website, if any student objects to their picture being published they just need to mention this to me and I will block them out.

Note 2:  Pictures above 100K will not be accepted.

Note 3:  There are lots of resources on the Internet to reduce the size of your files.  You might need to crop your pictures smaller.

Student Contributed Pictures -- Page 1, Page 2