Luna the Goofball

Luna really is the goofiest dog I've ever known! She loves to run, but since her legs are so long, it's comical. When I'm inside, I can hear her in the backyard through the window and it sounds like a horse trotting! She also doesn't sit like a normal dog. She will only sit if she can prop her butt on a chair or the couch, like a human. Another funny trait she has is that she loves to sleep under the covers. Every morning, when she was younger, she would nudge me with her nose to wake me up. Then I would have to raise the bed covers and let her jump up beside me. She would then burrow her nose all the way to the bottom of the bed by my feet and lay beside me. She is also odd with her toys. Most dogs destroy their stuffies that have the squeekers inside of them in a matter of minutes, but not Luna. She will love on her stuffies and snuggle with them for years! She also makes sure to greet us with one in her mouth every time we come home!

Running in Snow
Sitting on Couch
Sitting on Couch
Sitting in Office Chair
Car Ride
Sitting in Car
Nose in Covers
Buried Under Covers
Feet Undercovers
Paws Hanging Out of Bed
Luna & Stuffie
Luna & Her Stuffie