About Me Teach Yourself Russian Study in Russia Links To Websites Class Assignments

Learn on your own, and at your own pace!

Hey there! I'm glad you're interested in learning the Russian language! Aside from the rich history, art, litrature and culture, Russian is quite an enjoyable language to learn and speak.. Life is short, and time is valuable so i'll make this super easy for you! All you need are 3 things to start and I'll show you exactly in which order what to do.


Step by step instructions below!

Before you start:

Have a goal
- Figure out your purpose for learning Russian. You might have a trip to a Russian speaking country coming up, you may have Russian friends you would like to connect deeper with, perhaps a significant other, or you have a weird obsession with anything Russian... Whatever it may be, figure out your "why". This is important!!
Set deadlines
- Set dates for your goals. I like to set my goals in increments throughout the year. Goals can be anything from having a basic conversation with a Russian speaker, raising your fluency level each deadline, langugae proficiency exams, a trip to a Russian speaking country, or anything fun and interesting you can think of! Have fun with it!

What you need to start

Steps in order

  1. Learn the cyrilic script (Russian Alphabet)
  2. Start the Russian Made Easy Podcast
  3. Start the Russian Course Book
  4. Practice, practice, practice your speaking. Challange yourself to practice speaking and listening and much as you can. Go to a Russian restaurant, join a Russian language club, hire a tutor, look for Russian friends everywhere you go. Russians are everywhere so it shouldn't be too hard. Fly to New York if you have to! Theres a huge Russian community there and good restaurants. Get creative with this! And most importantly...

    Enjoy the journey! Make it an adventure.