About Me Teach Yourself Russian Study in Russia Links To Websites Class Assignments

Привет (Hello) Everyone!

My name is Jenny V., and I enjoy learning languages and traveling. My native languages are Spanish and English, and I'm currently learning Russian, Persian, and French. I credit my love for language to my mother, who is also a language enthusiast and introduced me to the hobby during my freshman year in high school.

I started learning Russian in the summer of 2017 after discovering a podcast called "Russian Made Easy." After a few episodes, I realized how much I enjoyed learning the language. I was self-taught for about a year using the podcast, a Russian course book, and online resources. In the summer of 2018, a year later, I took a beginner Russian course at the Moscow State University Language Center. This coincided with the year of the World Cup in Moscow. After completing my 2.5-week course at the MGU Language Center, I headed to St. Petersburg for a few days, bid farewell to Russia, and embarked on a month-and-a-half trip through Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Turkey. Traveling to former Soviet countries after intensive classes significantly helped me advance in the language. Since most people don't speak English, you're left with no choice but to use all the Russian you know. It was an amazing experience, and I feel blessed to have lived through it. The purpose of this website is to assist anyone pursuing the Russian language and studying in Moscow.

"A different language is a different vision of life." — Federico Fellini
