
Binders Keepers Book Binding

Bind Your Finds!

"There is no friend as loyal as a book"-Ernest Hemingway

One-of-a-kind Book-Binding Services

Prices for the services listed below will very depending on factors like book size, cover design detail, and materials used. Unavailible services will be marked out like this.

Price of shipping not included.
While books should ship within a week of ordering, delays are possible and will be telegraphed via contact method of choice.

Service Price Note
Paperback Re-bind 3500
Broken Book Repair 4500
Personal Manuscripts Bind 7500
Fanfiction Bind 8000 Must provide written consent from fic authour along with link

Some Definitions:
- A catch-all term for any fiction posted on the internet. Can be based on a fan work or an original creation on the authors part.
Personal Manuscripts
- Anything you've made personally. Can be fiction, non-fiction, or anything in between so long as you hold the rights to reprint.

How to Place an Order:
  1. Fill out form with service desired and contact information.
  2. Wait for contact from our Book-Binding extra-ordinare to confirm order.
  3. Begin conversations with Book-binder about your new book's cover design.
  4. Wait a week or two(depending on request volume)
  5. Enjoy your newly bound book!

Please keep in mind the following:

Order Form

Contact Info:
Email Phone
Order Info Paperback Replacement
Broken Book Repair
Personal Manuscript
Fanfiction Bind Please confirm you have permission from authour to print
Please describe the book you want bound. Include the title of the book and a brief idea of what you want it to look like