Neko and Ozzy

Neko "Nekolas" Resendiz

Meet Neko, short for Nekolas. His name means "cat" in Japanese because at the time that I got him, I couldn't think of a name yet and kept referring to him as "kitty" or "cat." I got him from a family friend who found him at a farm along with his sister back in October 2021. He gave Neko to my parents who gave him to me that Christmas. He's been my best friend ever since. Today he's you're typical cat with an attitude. He loves to climb high places, play fetch, and sit inside boxes.

Some pictures of Neko

Ozzy "Ozvaldo" Resendiz

Meet Ozzy, short for Ozvaldo. His name was inspired by the prince of darkness himself, Ozzy Osbourne. I got him from a coworker back in June 2023 who had found him abandoned in a parking lot, covered in fleas and hungry. Luckily my friend found him and gave him to me since they knew I was looking for a second cat to be Neko's brother. He loves to sleep with his legs in the air, and absolutely LOVES food. I've had to replace two trash cans because he knows how to open them and dig up food.

Some pictures of Ozzy

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