The Villains


Name: Princess Xarlinas
Race: Medusa
Occupation: Princess
Allignment: Lawful Evil

Origin: Formerly an elven princess renowned for her beauty, Xarlinas was cursed by the goddess Sune for her cruelty and vanity. Transformed into a Medusa, she was exiled from her kingdom and took refuge on Crenshaw Island, converting its prison into the Tower of Games.

Characteristics: Xarlinas is a figure of fear and fascination, wielding her beauty and magical artifacts to manipulate and entertain those who come to her tower. She is worshipped by the yuan-ti and keeps trophies of petrified heroes, including Grom, Roland Edermath's friend.

Tournament of Games: To save Grom and gain an audience with Xarlinas, the Tormentors enter the Tournament of Games. They navigate challenges, fight yuan-ti, and emerge victorious against the Crypt Divers, a band of not-so-kind adventurers. In the championship round, they face the Hydra and defeat it. But this victory causes the Yuan-ti population unrest, because they believe the hydra to be a holy creature. This causes the yuan-ti to grow hostile towards the visitors of the island.

Confrontation: The Tormentors discover a chamber holding a horde of yuan-ti broodguard, revealing Xarlinas's dark methods of enslavement. With a deal struck with Vandella, the devil from Oberstone’s past, they confront Xarlinas in her throne room. In the ensuing battle, Grom is rescued, and Xarlinas is defeated, unleashing the broodguard. The Tormentors escape as the tower collapses, killing the majority of broodguard and saving the visitors of the island.