Never Turn Down the Chance for Adventure...

Welcome to the Tormentor Chronicles, where epic adventures and daring quests await those brave enough to step into the fray. Our D&D campaign, forged in the fires of imagination and bound by the threads of destiny, invites you to embark on a journey through Faerûn, a land teeming with ancient mysteries and untold dangers.

Led by the valiant Tormentors, a band of heroes from diverse backgrounds and walks of life, our story unfolds against the backdrop of Phandalin, a humble frontier town on the cusp of greatness. As dark forces gather and shadows lengthen, the fate of the Sword Coast hangs in the balance, and only the bold and the brave can stand against the encroaching tide of darkness.

Join us as we delve into the depths of forgotten ruins, confront ancient evils, and forge alliances with unlikely allies in our quest to save the realms from certain doom. From the bustling streets of Neverwinter to the magical peaks of The Everlasting Mountain, our adventures will take us to the farthest reaches of the Sword Coast and beyond, as we unravel the mysteries of the past and shape the destiny of the future.

So gather your party, sharpen your blades, and ready your spells, for The Tormentor Chronicles await. Are you ready to become a legend?