The Allies


Name: Roland Edermath
Race: Male Half-Elf
Nickname: The Maimed Hand of Tyr
Occupation: Sheriff of Phandalin

Background: Born into poverty, Roland lost his elven mother, Elysara, to illness at a young age. Raised by the Temple of Tyr, he was trained as a Paladin. In his prime, he led the legendary adventuring band Chronicle, renowned for their heroic deeds across the Sword Coast.

Later Life: Became head of the paladin order in Baldur's Gate. Disgraced after wrongly executing a Matriarch to the tiefling people named Ariarissa. This caused outrage and riots in Baldur’s Gate. He was exiled and eventually settled in Phandalin, becoming a humble apple orchard owner.

Personal Life: Has a daughter named Rose, whom grew up to become an adventurer just like her father.

Encounter with the Tormentors: Roland's encounter with the Tormentors begins when they intervene to defend Loxim, a gnome being assaulted by Redbrands in Phandalin. Roland's timely intervention helps turn the tide of the battle, earning the Tormentors' gratitude. Recognizing their potential, Roland suggests they embark on a quest to rescue Grom, a former member of Chronicle, from the clutches of Xarlinas, the Medusa Princess, in her Tower of Games.

Romance with Void Ţepeş: Roland's forbidden romance with Void Tepes blossoms during their time spent together in the Fae Wild, where they were inadvertently transported by a magical book. Despite initial tension due to Roland's history with Void's father, Danior, whom was known as "The Dragoon," their shared experiences in the Fae Wild forge a deep bond between them. The relationship is fraught with complications, as Danior holds animosity towards Roland for his actions against Ariarissa. If Danior were to discover their romance, it could lead to significant trouble for both Roland and Void.

Quote: "A lot of things in this world need killin'. And I've killed a lot of them..."