The Allies


Name: Mira Brightblaze
Race: Female dwarf
Occupation: Priestess of Moradin

Background: Born into the prosperous Brightblaze family of blacksmiths in Neverwinter, Mira Brightblaze was raised amidst the clanging of hammers and the crackling of magical flames in the renowned Brightblaze Forge. However, despite the comfort of her affluent upbringing, Mira always felt a calling toward a simpler, more altruistic way of life.

Family: Mira's parents, Gallim and Nisryn Brightblaze, are respected figures in Neverwinter for their craftsmanship and wealth. Though Mira loves her parents deeply, she often found herself at odds with their priorities. She longed for them to use their resources to help the less fortunate rather than focusing solely on material gain.

Spiritual Journey: From a young age, Mira found solace and purpose in the teachings of Moradin at the temple in Neverwinter. As she grew older, her devotion to the deity deepened, eventually leading her to forsake the path of her parents' trade in favor of serving Moradin as a cleric.

Training: Under the guidance of the venerable head cleric, Dolrig Blackiron, Mira honed her skills in both healing and the arcane arts. Recognizing her potential, Dolrig began to train her in the ways of spellcasting, opening up new avenues for Mira to serve her community.

Involvement with the Harpers: Drawn by her desire to make a difference beyond the confines of Neverwinter, Mira caught the attention of the Harpers, a secretive organization dedicated to preserving balance and justice in the world. However, her idealism clashed with the political maneuverings within the Harpers, leading her to seek a more direct approach to aiding those in need.

Arrival in Phandalin: Mira's journey brought her to the quaint town of Phandalin during a turbulent period marked by gang warfare and corruption. Witnessing the suffering of the townsfolk caught in the crossfire, Mira devoted herself to healing the wounded and offering aid to the innocent.

Alliance with the Tormentors: When the Tormentors, a group of adventurers seeking to bring justice to Phandalin, arrived, Mira found common cause with them. Among them was Culverin Hammerstone, a hill dwarf whose stoic demeanor belied a kind heart. Despite their differences, Mira and Culverin shared a bond that transcended their backgrounds, their shared experiences fostering a "will they, won't they" romantic tension between them.

Quote: "Into the forge and be made anew..."