Oxygen Bombs
- Pothos is an evergreen plant with thick, waxy, green,
heart-shaped leaves with splashes of yellow.
- thrives best in full sun to partial shade; average, moist,
well-drained soil conditions
- grows up to 6 ft. tall and 3ft. wide
- the best indoor plants to purify the air,
removing common toxins such as
formaldehyde, xylene, and benzene.
- Keep plants in bright to moderate
indirect sunlight.3-10ft wide
- Maintain average room temperature and
- Spider plants prefer temperatures
between 55 and
80°F (13–27°C),which makes them
a great indoor houseplant.
- Fertilize twice a month in the spring and
summer however, avoid overfertilization.
Dracaena Plant
- the snake plant labeled both as Dracaena trifasciata
and Sansevieria trifasciata.
- Let the soil dry out mostly in between waterings
- generally preferring to grow in temperatures between
65 and 90 Fahrenheit and to stay out of chilly drafts.
- most effective in removing formaldehyde, benzene,
and carbon monoxide from the air.
- Mature Size 1-3 ft. tall, 1-3 ft. wide
- thrives best in full sun to partial
average, well-drained soil
- keep your plant warm and moist,
- Toxic to dogs and cats
- feed with liquid fertilizer