Top lane is very interesting. Most of the time you are just farming cs. No other lane bothers to come
to you because the win condition is usually found in the bot or mid lane. Thats why most top laners
either choose tanks or bruisers for when they are needed for team fights.
Waiting for Minions
During the first 30 second of the game, you will be waiting for minions and monsters to spawn. The
pictures shown are where a top laner would usually wait for minions and get vision on the enemy.
CS Minions
CS means combat score, and you gain cs by killing minions or monsters. CS only counts by killing, not
damaging, because an ally minion can steal the kill. Thankfully top lane is an island and no one
ever venture to your territory. CS will grant you gold. You can
think of CS as last-hitting a minion for the gold. Otherwise it will be wasted and no one, or
someone else, gets the gold. You want that gold because it stacks up.