

Runes are very important to whatever champion you decide to play. They are important in that they may change you play style, or if you have a set play style, you may change the runes to better optimize you play-style.

Runes are created under the "Runes" section of the client, under the "Collection" tab. Runes are self-explanatory, each have their own descriptions as to what they do, but if you need help in looking for a great rune page for a certain champion, is a really good resource.

Another good resource for rune pages is the game itself. Once you find a match, the game will give you a choice of 3 reccomended, pre-built rune pages to use. The game takes data as to what runes players tend to use on the champion you are playing and uses it to create a less than perfect rune page.



The important thing to know lane-ing, other than your opponent, is where you objectives lie. This is true for everyone. There are three towers, an inhibitor, two more towers before getting to the nexus. First to destroy the enemy nexus wins.

The first tower will have plating. Plating makes it so that the towers are harder to destroy, however the plating falls after 20 minutes. There are 7 total plates, each giving 100 gold if you manage to take one down.

Taking down the inhibitor will grant your lane a Super Minion. Inhibitors will respawn after 8 minutes. If all three inhibitors are up, the nexus cannot be targeted.


Minions are very important to the game. They can decide games in some cases, but their most important role is to give you gold. At least for the first 10 minutes of the game.

Melee Minions -

Melee minions are the minions with swords.

Caster Minions -

Caster minions are the minions with wands.

Cannon Minions -

Cannon minions have a cannon in front of them.

Super Minions -

Super minons are minions the size of champs, that spawn when an inhib is down.


There are a few monsters that the whole team needs to know about, not just the jungler. This is because they are beneficial to the entire team, not just for it's gold.

Scuttle Crab

Scuttle crabs spawn on both side of the river. They just walk along the river waiting to be killed. Yes, they are a good source of gold, but they also spawn a ward in the middle of the rivers where the dragons and rift monsters spawn respectively. Vision is key in a game where almost 70% of the map is unseeable.


Dragons only spawn at the bottom side of the river. Defeatede each dragon grnts your entire team a unique ability. If the 4th dragon from after a team kills two dragon will be conatin a dragon soul, which grant an even more unique ability to your team. After a team defeats four dragons, the Elder Dragon will spawn.

Cloud Drake

Killing a cloud drake grants your team 5% slowing resist and movement speed outside of combat.
Obtaining cloud soul grants 20% bonus movement speed, increased to 60% bonus movement speed for 6 seconds after casting your ultimate ability.

Infernal Drake

Killing an infernal drake grants your team 3% attack damage and ability power.
Obtaining infernal soul augments damaging abilities and basic attacks by creating an explosion around the target, dealing 100 adaptive damage to the target and nearby enemies as default damage

Mountain Drake

Killing a mountain drake grants your team 5% armor and magic resist.
Obtaining mountain soul grants you team a shield for 220, after not taking damage for 5 seconds.

Ocean Drake

Killing an ocean drake grants your team 2% health restoration every 5 seconds.
Obtaining ocean soul makes it so that when you deal damage to enemies, heals you for 150 and restores 100 mana over 4 seconds. Damage to minions and monsters regenerates with 30% effectiveness.

Chemtech Drake

Killing a cloud drake grants your team 6% tenacity and heal and shiled power.
Obtaining chem soul makes it so while the team below 50% maximum health, they gain 11% increased damage and damage reduction.

Hextech Drake

Killing a cloud drake grants your team 5% ability haste and 5% attack speed.
Obtaining hex soul mkaes it so dealing damage to an enemy with basic attacks or ability damage causes them to be struck with electricity, dealing 25−50 bonus true damage and slowing them by 45% 0r 35% decaying over 2 seconds, while chaining the effect to up to 3 enemies near the primary target. The slow can stack from multiple sources and the decay rate is decreased against ranged champions, all with an 8 second cooldown.

Elder Dragon

After a team defeats four dragons, the Elder Dragon will spawn. Killing the Elder Dragon grants the biggest buff of all. Damaging enemies inflicts them with a burn that deals them 75−225 (based on minutes) true damage over 2.25 seconds, with the first tick occurring after 0.25 seconds and the others after 1 second each. This effect does not trigger from its own damage.

Rift Herald

Rift herald is the first on the void monsters to appear. They spawn at the top side of the river. Only two rift Heralds spawn and die out after 8 minutes. There is only an 8 minute time window to kill these two. both are exactly the same and will drop the Eye of the Rift Herald once you team kills it.
Be sure somebody picks it up because it can be forgotten and despawn.
Once picked up, placing the eye will spawn the rift herald and it will help you take down towers. Its health decays over time and when it rams into towers, it takes a big chunk of health so use it wisely.

Baron Nashor

After the time comes for the second Rift Herald to despawn, the Baron Nashor will arrive. Once again it will spawn at the top side of the river. Killing the Baron Nashor give your team a 2 second teleportation back to base(usually 8 seconds) and they ability to siege enemy towers with great force.
When you or an ally champion stand next to a minion wave, those minions are super charged and will deal more damage.
Once you die the buff goes away.

Item Building

Every item starts with a basic item. Basic items forms epic items that form mythic items. You only have slots for 6 items so choose wisely. every item has its niche. and once again, a great place to find a good item build for your champion is

Spell Casting

Spells are unique to each and every champion. Spells are cast using Q, W, E, and R. There are secodary spells which can be chosen and are not unique between champions using D, and F.