Coding Assignments Page

Introduction to Computer Programming

C++ Project: Average Rainfall Calculation

Project #3: Create a program that provides an average of 3 months of rainfall with input from the user.

C++ Project: Average Rainfall Calculation

Project #5: Create a program that opens a file, reads all the numbers from the file, and calculates: numbers in the file, sum of all the numbers in the file, and average of all the numbers.

C++ Project: Average Rainfall Calculation Using Arrays and Functions Other Than Main

Project #7: Create a program that asks the user for average rain fall from January to December, store that data, and use functions outside of main to calculate the average rainfall for the user. Program must use for loops to address array data. It must also output the lowest and highest month of rain.

Beginning Web Programming

Homework Assignments - index.html series

index_1.1.html [Hello World-Practice with H1 tag]

index_1.2.html [Hello World-Practice with H1 tag]

index_1.3.html [More HTML Tags-h1, hr, p, span, br]

index_1.4.html [Some More HTML Tags & Simple CSS-span, p, h1, div]

index_1.5.html [Two More HTML Tags-dl, dt, dd, ol, li, ul]

index_1.6.html [img and table, tr, th Tags-with inline CSS]

index_1.7.html [Form Tag-form, fieldset, legend, label, input]

index_1.7.html [Pizza Order Form Tag-input, textarea, reset button, submit button]

index_1.8a.html [Pizza Order Form Part 2-input, textarea, option]

index_1.8b.html [Input Range Control-Javascript Funtion and onchange call]

index_1.8b.html [Input Range Control-Javascript Funtion and onchange call]

index_1.8c.html [Input Range Control- Adding 2nd Javascript Funtion and onchange call]

In Class Assignments - day_.html series
[Starting HTML -- Comment Header]
[Starting HTML -- Style Element, font styles, special characters-copyright]
[Starting HTML -- Main Website Link/Directory Practice]
[Learning Graphics with CSS, table tag, tbody, td, tr]
[Task Manager -- Using CSS & JavaScript, Buttons, Text Area]
[CSS - Downloading Font-Families Using Google Font Family]
[Pre tag, description list tag]
[JavaScript FAQs, Opening/Collapsing Text]
[CSS Animations and JavaScript]
[Fishing Slideshow]
[Pulling CSS shapes from the Internet]
[HTML Image Map]
Personal Coding Projects
Web Design Semester Website Portfolio
Ben Gallegos Website Screenshot
Web Design ITSE 1301.250 at Collin College required it's students to submit a semester project of their work.

Web Design is a class about designing and publishing web documents like graphics and images. This class mainly focuses on a web developers use of Photoshop to edit, create, and design website images and more.
  • Building and design a website using either your own HTML, CSS, and JavaScript or use an online website builder to showcase your lab projects.

  • Each lab used a new concept and tools in Adobe's Photoshop.

  • Examples of lab submissions and original images are included.

  • Click Here to Visit My Web Design Porfolio!