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Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Aliquam provident similique cupiditate ullam dolor laboriosam atque, maiores reprehenderit laborum minima. Exercitationem ratione aut repellendus fuga.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Doloribus modi voluptates numquam ad nesciunt sit dolor aspernatur sunt sint. Fugit vero corporis tenetur perferendis repudiandae pariatur illum harum obcaecati distinctio nam nulla minima laborum reprehenderit modi aspernatur, ad rem. Vero nostrum modi incidunt enim. Distinctio perspiciatis voluptatum tempore odio earum!

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Hey Mr. Canavan, I'm really enjoying the class so far. The speed is good, but could also be a little faster if needs be. Slow-Medium is probably what works best for me, since it gives the content time to sink into long term memory. If, however, the class is needing fast paced learning, I can make that work too. Can you perhaps comment on what a career path as a web developer looks like? Is it an 'a' to 'b' to 'c' path? What other paths does it lead to or intersect with? How much do you need to know before trying to find jobs in the workplace? Best positions to look for while job hunting? Thanks again!