More HTML Tags

This is a paragraph tag.

This is another paragraph tag.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Accusamus neque alias voluptate quae, et, vel eius quis sed praesentium ratione sequi numquam quidem atque placeat?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Blanditiis, suscipit voluptatum. Omnis, voluptatum sit beatae eos architecto, earum consectetur illo modi dignissimos deserunt aliquam debitis totam rerum blanditiis voluptatem iure dolor laboriosam. Nesciunt excepturi ut modi soluta eius, provident consectetur animi officia illo expedita suscipit fuga rem ipsam, fugiat saepe!

This is the output of a span tag.


Hey, Professor Canavan! I do have a little previous experience with HTML, so I'm definitely not finding the lectures to be too fast. I tend to be watching them at 2x to 3x speed, but I may not keep that up as we get into more complex topics. I wouldn't mind going a little faster, but I get that that might not be best for everyone.
I'm not sure I have any specific topics I want to cover, but I'm excited to get to the JavaScript part of the class as I don't know much about that yet, so I'm sure I'll be able to learn a lot!