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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Cum, aliquid incidunt cumque, modi, itaque ratione saepe ipsum accusamus delectus dolorem suscipit. Quae dignissimos magnam corrupti?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Enim harum quae sint vitae laboriosam alias non est recusandae maxime exercitationem corporis quibusdam nam, tempore aperiam autem porro quos ipsa aliquam expedita natus maiores dolore, ab voluptas a? Ducimus adipisci atque voluptatem quisquam iusto illum rem, sequi architecto odio alias dolorem.

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Hello Mr. Canavan, all is good over here, speed is great. I apperciate you going over everything in detail. it makes learning the content better. Before taking this class I played around in VSC and wanted your feedback on a plugin called "Live Server". I personally use this plugin and it allows the server to update in realtime without the need to use the f5 key or any other refresh option.