Hillary's Journey to Tranquility

Have you ever wondered when life will slow down or IF it ever will?
If you haven't, then you're one lucky dog and this is not the place for you.
If you have, you are not alone...Welcome!

lady with noise busy woman

Welcome to my world of chaos and my journey to tranquility. I will teach you how to navigate the day!

A little about me:

I used to spend most of my days going through the motions of the day..
That is doing whatever "needed" to be done based on how urgent it was.
I'm a mother, a wife, an employee, a student and much more- THERE IS ALWAYS SOMETHING TO BE DONE!
I won't further use your time with an explanation of my busy life; I'm quite sure that you have much to do (there's a shocker 😆)! What I will do, is share an effective method for transitiong from chaos to tranquility.

Here is my how-to guide for combatting chaos

  • Take care of self first. One cannot pour from an empty cup
  • Order your tasks based on how effectively you can do them and not by how urgent they are
  • Decompress in between tasks
  • Dont completely fear procrastiantion (unusual advice, I know. There are layers to it.)
  • Set the tone to control the day
  • Set strong boundaries with family, friends, employers, etc.
  • Allow mistakes- Big and small.
  • Enjoy your peace :)

  • Relax in the bath | Light a candle or burn essential oils| Have some wine| Vacation

    Here are a few of my fave prodcuts/ services to do the afforementioned.
    Get the bath products I love here
    Here's how to purchase my favorite candles
    Grab the most satisfying essential oils by clicking this link
    The best darn wine you'll have
    Travel for less here