🐕The typical day of Kane Stewart✨

Kane was born on June 23rd and is about 1 year old. Kane has many hobbies, which make him sleep as if he has a job at the end of the day. I think he is either scared of pictures being taken or just the phone. Kane loves to cuddle but since he's over 100 pounds he isn't the nicest lap dog.

Gremlin playing with his ball

After waking up he looks for his ball and plays with it. "playing" means galloping like a horse and running into walls.

beady eyes

After a hard 10-30 minutes of playing i start making his lunch at around 11-12. while making is food he literally just stares and dosen't blink.

green nose dog

A few hours later He helps me water and care for my plants. He mostly licks the water off the plants but its the thought that counts.

confused and handsome

Later in the afternoon we go outside and he takes his sweet time smelling every inch of grass that isnt already dead from the oven we call texas. He usually eats a stick or some dirt and digs a hole that i have to fill in but, he ends up staring at me.

My indexs