Some HTML Tags

The time has come to ....

afdsf afd fd adfd kljlkjasdf a dfjklas dflkja dlfkj asl ;ks;kf;k ajdfljla ljkk

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Consectetur molestias, rerum alias, pariatur quibusdam iure consequatur reiciendis accusamus, at porro nesciunt voluptate amet aliquam doloremque!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptas id, magni tempora qui eos amet voluptatem? Excepturi deleniti facilis aut cum a eum ex inventore id, recusandae quis delectus autem quibusdam voluptatum nesciunt ab nisi natus impedit fugit cumque pariatur eveniet. Quasi necessitatibus veritatis doloremque, excepturi aperiam tempora ducimus consequatur!

This is our output of a span


Hello, Mr. Canavan. The speed and length of the videos is perfect for me. I am understanding this class well. I have 2 issues. 1) I don't get the options you are getting when I type "font" in the style attributes. 2) As I edit this paragraph, and reformat the document, sometimes it keeps the previous line breaks in the code. I am having to delete the line breaks, and then reformat again, sometimes multiple times, to clean it up. I know the output is still the same, but I like to have clean code. Is there a way to keep this from happening? I appreciate you being so practical. I took this class 2 years ago, and I got behind early on, so I dropped it. I didn't get behind on the code, but I got behind on having to come up with ideas for the content on every webpage (decide on a topic, find pictures, come up with captions, and paragraphs, etc). I have avoided this course ever since. Your approach is so much better. Thank you!