Some HTML Tags

The time has come to...

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Neque, repellendus, numquam repudiandae laudantium expedita quas consequuntur amet blanditiis tempore distinctio aperiam ipsam recusandae obcaecati fuga!

Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Eligendi consequatur exercitationem nesciunt quaerat. Sequi ipsa sint exercitationem fugit placeat neque, nihil dolorum, pariatur voluptatibus non commodi tenetur ex? Doloribus voluptas optio earum voluptatem, aliquid recusandae cumque iure facere vero at voluptate nam totam nesciunt quo consequatur numquam? Reprehenderit, quia! Perferendis!

This is our output of a span


Hello Mr. Canavan,

We wrote a relatively small amount of code for about an hour's worth of videos. However, I'm definitely not complaining, as this part was literally named SOME HTML tags, so the amount of code was expected. The speeds of the videos were good, and you went in-depth with everything. Unfortunately, I don't have anything specific to request you go over, but on a side note, everybody in our class seems to be "getting" web development.

Olly Whitecotton