3-20-24 Notes

<map> is a tag that can have <area> tags inside.
<area> tags are defined with coordinates based on the map and can be different shapes like rectangles and circles.
In class, we used <map> with a workplace image and had <area> tags for the computer, phone, and cup of coffee in the image.
Assign an image a mapname with the usemap attribute. Ex: <img src="./workplace.jpg" usemap="#workmap">
There are sites that can be used to map images so you don't have to do it yourself.
Number data types include integers (ex: x = 123) and floating point (ex: x = 1.234).
Strings are another data type (ex: hello = "Hello!").
Arrays are like lists that can contain multiple items (ex: let week = new Array(7)). Array keys (to access values) generally start at 0.
Boolean is a data type for true or false (ex: yes = True; yep = 1; no = False; nope = 0).
Objects are data structures that hold methods (functions) and parameters (values).
Flexbox is a type of display and it seems very useful for many situations.
You can look at a bunch of Flexbox attributes and such here: https://www.quackit.com/css/flexbox/examples/.
Localstorage is a type of data storage that stores data in the browser.