2-7-24 Notes

  • FileZilla uses File Transfer Protocol (FTP) to transfer files from your desktop to a server.
  • I Installed FileZilla, connected to Professor Canavan's server, and added an index.html file.
  • Hexadecimal colors use Hex codes. RGB = RRGGBB. Shorcut: 16f = 1166ff.
  • Inline Style = CSS in an element tag.
  • External Stylesheet = An external CSS file linked into your HTML.
  • Box Model has margin, padding, border, width/height, directions (left, right, top, down), and probably some more attributes.
  • Display: Inline keeps an element in the same line
  • Display: Block gives an element its own line
  • Responsive Design is making a website usable for various devices' screen widths and heights
  • Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) has objects with attributes and methods (functions)
  • JavaScript handlers allow you to execute a function when the user does something like click a button or put their mouse over an element
  • CSS can use variables and do some calculations
  • It takes a while to become a master at web development