2-28-24 Notes

CSS Notes:
display : block; /* Gives an element its own line */
display : inline; /* Keeps an element in a line */
Child = an element inside of another element
Parent = an element that has an element in it
Sibling = an element that shares a parent with another element
Descendant = an element like the grandfather (or further back) of an element
a:link = gets a link that has not been visited
a:visited = gets a link that has been visited
a:active = gets link when it's being pressed
an element has focus when it is being selected by the webpage
an element has blur when it is not being selected by the webpage
a[href^="https://"] ^= searches for something that starts with the text */
a[href$=".pdf"] /* $= searches for something that ends with the text */
:nth-child(pattern here) { attribute : value } /* Selects an nth child of an element */
:first-of-type /* Gets the first type of something */
:not(selector) /* Gets something that isn't what's in the parentheses*/.
rem is relative to the page
em is relative to the parent/container
font-style: italic /* font-style styles the font (who would've thought!) */
letter-spacing: 6px /* Change the spacing between letters */
line-height: 6px /* Space between lines (probably) */
It is possible to import fonts using a CDN (content delivery network)