2-14-24 Notes

IP = Internet Protocol
TCP = Network Language of the Internet
Packets = Data measured in bytes (8 bits)
WWW (World Wide Web) = Software on the Internet
HTTP = Hypertext Transfer Protocol (Used to transfer data and load pages)
URL = Uniform Resource Locator (Address to get somewhere)
CPanel = Web Server Management Platform
PC <--> Internet (Cisco Routers and such) <--> Web Server
DNS = Domain Name System
DNS converts Domain Name to IP Address and vice versa
Cookie = Data set by web servers

JavaScript Notes:
onchange is a JavaScript event that can fire an event handler
function functionName(parametersHere) { //Function example
	//Do stuff here
document.getElementByAnId("id"); //Selects an element by its id
.value //Gets the value of something
let variable = value; //Let is a keyword for defining a variable
parseInt(variable) //Changes a variable to the int datatype
= //Assignment operation
== //Equality operation
=== //Strict Equality operation
console.log(message) //Sends output to the console log
if (condition) { //If statement checks if the condition inside is true
	//Do stuff here
} else { //Does something if the previous if statement condition was false.
	//Do stuff here
typeof variable //Checks the datatype of the variable
${variable} //Interpolates a variable into a string of text

CSS Notes:
margin: 10px /* Sets the margin for all sides to 10px */
margin: 0 20px /* Shortcut. Top & Bottom, Left & Right */
float: left /* Float makes something go left or right */