1-31-24 Notes

IP = Internet Protocol
TCP = Network Language of the Internet
Packets = Data measured in bytes (8 bits)
WWW (World Wide Web) = Software on the Internet
HTTP = Hypertext Transfer Protocol (Used to transfer data and load pages)
URL = Uniform Resource Locator (Address to get somewhere)
CPanel = Web Server Management Platform
PC <--> Internet (Cisco Routers and such) <--> Web Server
DNS = Domain Name System
DNS converts Domain Name to IP Address and vice versa
Cookie = Data set by web servers

HTML Notes:
<img src="../../graphics/fish-spin.gif" alt="Spinning Fish">
<!-- src = where the image is from, alt = text for when the image doesn't load or for nongraphical users. -->

<link rel="shortcut icon" href="../../graphics/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon">
<!-- rel = relation (what is this link for?), href = where the link is located, type = what type of content for the browser. -->

CSS Notes:
body {
    background-image: url(../../graphics/10.jpg); /* url to the background. */
div {
    background-color: aquamarine;
    margin: 10px; /* extra space around the div */
    padding: 10px; /* extra space inside the div */
    border: 1px solid black;
div.new_div {
    border-radius:25px; /* adds a rounded border */