1-24-24 Notes

<p>paragraph tag</p>
<div>division tag</div>
<a>anchor tag</a>
element names can be used as selectors
id = "idhere" | ids can be used as selectors
class = "classhere" | classes can be used as selectors

    div { /* Element Selector */
        color:green; /* changes font color */
    #firstone { /* # = ID Selector */
        font-size: 2em /* changes font size. em = relative to parent font size*/
    .newclass { /* . = Class Selector */
        font-size: 2rem /* changes font size. rem = relative to HTML tag font size */
    p::selection { /* Pseudo-Class selector */
            background-color: red; /* changes background color of the element */
            color: black;

The VSCode extension "Live Server" updates your page while you edit it
IP = Internet Protocol
TCP = Transmission Control Protocol
Packets = Chopped up data
WWW = World Wide Web
HTTP = Hypertext Transfer Protocol (Used to transfer data and load pages)
URL = Uniform Resource Locator (Address to get somewhere)