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More Info About Each Layout

Cloud Center

This was the second layout I ever mad and what prompted me to learn about Grids. I learned about Position and Z-Index to get the clouds and backround image stacked the way I wanted.

It's supposed to be a static landing page but I noticed the background and width look wonky on mobile.

Double Column

This was a much more standard layout that is pretty common thorughout the web. I wanted to try my hand at a layout you can add to vertically.

The first section has a set structure but the rest follows a template of: Left div, Middle Box, Right Div. Left and Right meant to house pictures or other boxes.

It is my most responsive and structural sound layout to date. I barely had to adjust it after publishing.


My most complex and grueling layout to date. I had a very specific vision in mind and was inspired by a site with draggable windows.

I took note from my center layout and double column layout and tried to combine them here. You have three divs in a grid but the images on the left and right can be dragged around screen with the use of Javascript.

I'm not using the script here because it's not mine and I wouldn't want to make this site chug. But that's the premise of thos layout.

It's been my most volatile and clunky layout despite being my most recent and I've had to do a lot of debugging to get the positions right.

It's my favourite page on my site and hope to improve upon it in the future.