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Roman Emperors

NAME Century What did they do?
Augustus 1st Century CE During his 40-year reign, Augustus catered to all facets of society. The leader paid his soldiers by plundering Cleopatra’s treasures in Egypt. The emperor passed laws that seemingly gave Roman senators more power in domestic issues to pacify the ruling classes of the city. The leader worked to construct buildings and beautify Rome to appease the masses while he doubled the size of the Roman Empire.
Marcus Aurelius 2nd Century CE Emperor Marcus Aurelius today is remembered for his 3 great accomplishments. First, Marcus Aurelius managed to successfully wage a series of defensive wars across the Empire. Second, Marcus Aurelius was an expert of imperial administration helping to improve the efficiency of the Empire. Third, Marcus Aurelius would write one of the most influential books of all time, Meditations.
Nero 1st Century CE Rome burned while he was emperor, and the eagerness with which he rebuilt led many to believe that he was responsible for the fire. He tried to shift the blame to the Christians, beginning the Roman persecution of that young religion.
Constantine 1 4th Century CE Constantine reigned during the 4th century CE and is known for attempting to Christianize the Roman Empire. Constantine was also responsible for a series of important secular reforms that ranged from reorganizing the Roman Empire’s currency system to restructuring Rome’s armed forces.