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The time has come to ...

What time? (idk)

Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Quaerat eos odio, eaque illum debitis ipsam ex dicta incidunt rerum cum repellat dignissimos obcaecati neque eius?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Quasi iste iure quia magnam ullam animi, consequuntur vel necessitatibus ut delectus repellendus minus quod. In itaque ab, quisquam mollitia reprehenderit aliquam illum iusto facere totam, eos nesciunt ad repellendus omnis veritatis quo qui voluptatem ex pariatur fugit. Ab minima quaerat iusto?

This is our output of a span


Hey Mr. Canavan, the videos are pretty great. The speed is good. So far as depth, I understand the rest except the part about XML and HTML. I would like to understand how HTML fits inside the XML as a whole. There isn't any problem I faced other than emmet abbreviation not working for attribute values. Thanks, Oluwasegun Akanbi