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The time has come to ....

lsdkhf djknhoiej orjfuvn jouuvojre junvuerj jvcnui uf jnviurnvtgiuvui nvwwvhfiunweuvjnwiuoj

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Minima in quibusdam possimus nihil ad consectetur, necessitatibus cupiditate nam officiis iste sequi, nesciunt culpa voluptatum saepe!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Eveniet officiis commodi ratione enim iste aut quia consequatur debitis. Modi vitae minima asperiores ullam eos, consequuntur officiis nulla obcaecati, alias pariatur nemo, voluptatibus provident accusantium! Atque, doloremque ratione sint delectus adipisci animi magni optio hic praesentium ipsum vitae asperiores repudiandae perferendis.

This is our output of a span


I think the length of the video was perfect for me because I do not have experience with this so it gives me the chance to follow along. Also, the step by step explanations of the tags and what they do/how to use them is very helpful. Thank you.