ACME Facility Service is here to help you every step of the way!
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ACME Facility Service is here to help you every step of the way!

Acme Facility Service is a certified installer and premier distributor of BPL UL 1994 listed photoluminescent egress stairwell marking systems. BPL is a leading manufacturer of life safety sign products and egress marking systems. We are committed to assisting you in completing your photoluminescent egress stairwell marking project to successful completion.


Significant changes to the IBC focuses on improving safety in high-rise buildings. One of these changes includes a requirement to provide improved safety for individuals negotiating stairs inside a high-rise building by improving the visibility of stair treads, handrails, and obstacles under normal and emergency conditions. In accordance with the IBC standard, Texas is now requiring luminous egress path markings in all new and existing buildings of Group A-Assembly, B-Business, E-Educational, I-Institutional, M-Medical/Hospital, R-1-Hotel and R-2-Mixed Use Residential having occupied floors located more than 75 feet above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access. Luminous egress stairwell marking systems must be listed in accordance with the UL 1994 standard and are required within enclosed exit stairwells to include step, landing perimeter, handrail, obstacle, floor identification signs, and final exit door markings.