Some common questions
were often asked

My flowers are falling off or dying?

Soil that is too wet or too dry can cause buds to drop from plants. Plants might drop flower buds if there is too much water in the soil and roots are suffocated, or if the soil too dry.

What causes brown crispy leaves?

Browning leaves are typically caused by under watering, sunburn, or overwatering. If the leaf tips are turning brown and crunchy, the soil likely became too dry for too long in between waterings.

What causes leaves to become pale?

The most common reason for leaves turning pale is not getting enough sunlight. You probably know that leaves are full of chlorophyll, the chemical that allows them to turn sunlight into energy, through photosynthesis. When your plant is photosynthesising happily, chlorophyll turns bright green.

How do I choose a plant?

  • Check for insects by looking at the underside of leaves.
  • Avoid plants with drought stress, indicated by yellow foliage.
  • If you are unsure which plant to select, let someone from the nursery help you.
  • Be sure your container has a drainage hole in it, since plants don't like to sit in water.

How do I change the pots?

Houseplants periodically require repotting to keep them healthy and growing. But few houseplants will need repotting more frequently than once a year, and most will only need repotting once every three to five years. The use of some mineral soil in the potting helps reduce the need for frequent repotting.

What to know before buying a plant?

Plant Quality: Check for the overall health of the plants you're interested in buying. Look for signs of pests, disease, or damage. A healthy plant will have strong stems, vibrant foliage, and well-developed roots. Avoid plants with yellowing or wilting leaves, broken or damaged stems, or evidence of pests or disease.