ITSE-1311.OO3 Beginning Web Programming, Spring, 2023

Course Description:

ITSE-1311 Beginning Web Programming
Skills development in web programming including mark-up and scripting languages. Additionally, the course focuses on use of HTML and CSS to create web sites and includes an introduction to JavaScript. Lab required. 3 credit hours. (W)

Student Websites:

Classroom SnapShots:

Course Topics:

Part 0 - Start Here - Course Introduction
Part 0.00 -- About Me Post - Discussion Assignment ( 10 points )
Part 0.02 -- Pre-Course Survey ( 5 points )
Part 0.04 -- Read the Course Syllabus
Part 0.06 -- Orientation Assignment ( 5 points )
Part 0.08 -- Installing Software - Visual Studio Code and Chrome Browser
Part 0.10 -- IN Class Assignment 1 -- January 18th, 2023 ( 10 points ) ⛔
Part 0.12 -- IN Class Extra Credit 1 -- January 18th, 2023 ( Up to 5 points ) ⛔
Part 0.14 -- IN Class Assignment 2 -- January 25th, 2023 ( 10 points ) ⛔
Part 0.16 -- IN Class Extra Credit 2 -- January 25th 2023 ( Up to 5 points ) ⛔
Part 0.18 -- IN Class Assignment 3 -- February 8th, 2023 ( 10 points ) ⛔
Part 0.20 -- IN Class Extra Credit 3 -- February 8th, 2023 ( Up to 6 points ) ⛔
Part 0.22 -- IN Class Assignment 4 -- February 15th, 2023 ( 10 points ) ⛔
Part 0.24 -- IN Class Extra Credit 4 -- February 15th, 2023 ( Up to 7 points ) ⛔
Part 0.26 -- IN Class Assignment 5 -- February 22nd, 2023 ( 10 points ) ⛔
Part 0.28 -- IN Class Extra Credit 5 -- February 22nd, 2023 ( Up to 8 points ) ⛔
Part 0.30 -- IN Class Assignment 6 -- March 1st, 2023 ( 10 points ) ⛔
Part 0.32 -- IN Class Extra Credit 6 -- March 1st, 2023 ( Up to 5 points ) ⛔
Part 0.34 -- IN Class Assignment 7 -- March 15th, 2023 ( 12 points ) ⛔
Part 0.36 -- IN Class Extra Credit 7 -- March 15th, 2023 ( Up to 5 points ) ⛔
Part 0.38 -- IN Class Assignment 8 -- March 22nd, 2023 ( 14 points ) ⛔
Part 0.40 -- IN Class Extra Credit 8 -- March 22nd, 2023 ( Up to 5 points ) ⛔
Part 0.42 -- IN Class Assignment 9 -- March 29th, 2023 ( 20 points ) ⛔
Part 0.44 -- IN Class Extra Credit 9 -- March 29th, 2023 ( Up to 5 points ) ⛔
Part 0.46 -- IN Class Assignment 10 -- April 5th, 2023 ( 20 points ) ⛔
Part 0.48 -- IN Class Extra Credit 10 -- April 5th, 2023 ( Up to 20 points ) ⛔
Part 0.50 -- IN Class Assignment 11 -- April 12th, 2023 ( 15 points ) ⛔
Part 0.52 -- IN Class Extra Credit 11 -- April 12th, 2023 ( Up to 5 points ) ⛔
Part 0.54 -- IN Class Assignment 12 -- April 19th, 2023 ( 15 points ) ⛔
Part 0.56 -- IN Class Extra Credit 12 -- April 19th, 2023 ( Up to 5 points ) ⛔
Part 0.58 -- IN Class Assignment 13 -- April 26th, 2023 ( 15 points ) ⛔
Part 0.60 -- IN Class Extra Credit 13 -- April 26th, 2023 ( Up to 5 points ) ⛔
Part 0.61 -- IN Class Assignment 14 -- May 3rd 2023 ( 30 points ) ⛔
Part 0.62 -- IN Class Extra Credit 14 -- May 3rd, 2023 ( Up to 5 points ) ⛔

Part 1 - HTML Theory -- Structure & Content
Part 1.00 -- Reading -- FORCING ourselves to read technical documentation 📄
Part 1.01 -- It drags on endlessly, doesn't it? ☹
Part 1.02 -- Review of HTML ( above reading ) -- 1st Quiz Review
Part 1.04 -- Submit an HTML file to Canvas ( 10 points )
Part 1.05 -- Build an HTML file from the beginning ( Submit File for 10 points )
Part 1.07 -- Some HTML tags ( Submit File for 10 Points )
Part 1.08 -- Even MORE HTML tags ( Submit File for 15 Points )
Part 1.09 -- Watch A Video 1 🎦-- 100+ Concepts ( Submit message for 5 Points )
Part 1.10 -- Definition, Ordered, & Unordered HTML Tags ( Submit File for 10 Points )
Part 1.11 -- Watch A Video 2 🎦 -- What's a URL? ( submit message for 5 Points )
Part 1.14 -- img & table HTML Tags ( Submit File for 15 Points )
Part 1.16 -- Introduction to Forms ( Submit File for 10 Points )
Part 1.30 -- Watch A Video 3 🎦 -- The Dunning Kruger Effect ( Submit for 7 Points )
Part 1.34 -- Checkboxes, Radio Boxes, and textarea tags ( Submit File for 12 Points )
Part 1.36 -- Input date & color types and the Select tag ( Submit File for 12 Points )
Part 1.38 -- Watch A Video 4 🎦 -- What is the DOM? ( Submit for 5 Points )
Part 1.40 -- JavaScript to output input range type values (10 Points) -- OUTPUT ➡➡
Part 1.44 -- JavaScript to input input range type values (10 Points) -- INPUT ⬅⬅
Part 1.48 -- Dealing with JavaScript Errors! (10 Points)
Part 1.52 -- The link HTML Tag ( watch two videos for 10 points )
Part 1.54 -- Code links with link tags AND Pseudo Classes (15 points)
Part 1.56 -- Build an index file for our semester's work (15 points)
Part 1.58 -- Build Main Website and Root directory ( submit HTML file for 20 points )

Part 2 -- The Amazing FlexBox and Grid 🍱
Part 2.00 -- FORCING ourselves to read technical documentation about Flexbox 📄 (5 points)
Part 2.02 -- Watch a video demonstrating Flexbox 🎦 (10 points ) ⬅ Easy Assignment!
Part 2.04 -- FlexBox Froggy & staying afloat in a CSS induced HTML environment (20 points)
Part 2.08 -- Watch A Video 5 🎦 -- FlexBox or Grid? (15 Points)

Oddities & Curiosities 🌞 EXTRA CREDIT 🌞
Extra Credit 1 -- Connect with me on Linkedin.
Extra Credit 2 -- Fill out the course survey
Extra Credit 3 -- Do something Extra Nice on your WebSite - Content is King! 🤴

Final Project (Final Exam) -- Due May 12th, 2023, - Your Website
Final Project -- Part B -- Install the FTP Client, Filezilla ( Submit text file for 10 points )
Final Project -- Part C -- Create your hosting directory on the web (10 points)
Final Project -- Part D -- Upload your index.html file ( Submit URL for 10 points )
Final Project -- Part E -- Build directory structure AND add links (Submit URL for 10 points)

Student Class Notes:

Link to Student Daily Notes:

Pre-Course Survey Results:

Survey Results